Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores has been tattooing professionally for more than decade. Her nickname is Tatu baby. Born in Colombia, she was American-born on October 28, 1997. Discover more information about Tatu's Networth and her full biography. Tatu is an American tattoo artist and a television personality. Ink Master is a reality TV show where tattoo artists battle in real-world circumstances. Ink Master appeared in 2012. The show's fourth place finisher was Season 2. Ink Master. Tatu took third in In the Ink Master finale for season 3. In 2019, she starred on two episodes of reality TV show Cartel Crew, which is based on the lives of those who have ties to drug cartels. Tatu Baby is a famous American tattooist, who has been tattooing professionally since the age of 19 years old. Tatu baby was awarded the Best Of Day award was presented to her in an event for tattoos. Tatu's baby tattoos are most well-known for their realistic, custom-designed design in grey and black. Tatu is fascinated with how the human body is transformed into a canvas that allows the artist to express their imagination. Tatu Baby was eliminated from her participation in the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo contest after finishing fourth. Tatu started tattooing when she was the age of 17. She also got tattooed in the same time period before turning 19 to become an experienced tattooist. Tatu Babe (aka. Katherine Kat Flores, born on October 28, 1987, in Colombia and raised to Miami Florida. Her birthplace was in Colombia. Colombian parents. Her father was the head of a huge drug trafficking enterprise located in Queens New York. At the age of four when her father was killed by a rival organization. Following her father s murder Tatu's mother decided to quit drug dealing. Tatu's mom followed Tatu to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. The college courses she was enrolled in were cut short when she decided to quit. Her first tattoos were at age of 14, and had become a professional tattooist by the age of 19. Tatu Baby has a brother who is named Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is an actress from Spanish descent. As a teenager in high school, Berges started acting as a part-time hobby. Her rural surroundings prevented her from considering acting as a career. Astrid's personal features were crucial in getting her the roles she later received. Astrid was blessed with two-toned eyelids, the result of an inheritance condition known as Sectoral Heterochromia. An exotic, soft accent and bone structure makes it an obvious choice to Sofi to get a role as a character in I Origins. "I always start at the beginning, and I never do the same thing over and over again," says this stylish actor. That makes her nervous at times and joyful when she is. Astrid takes great care to the particulars of her character. She's very aware of the character's movements, their speech and behaviour. Astrid is very friendly and fluently speaks Catalan and also Spanish, Italian French and English.

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